Do-It-Yourself Guides |
1. How do I change
the glow plugs in a Mercedes 300D, 300SD or 240D. |
2. How do I change
the fuel injectors in a Mercedes 300D, 300SD or
240D. |
3. How
do I change the alternator in a Mercedes 300D, 300SD
or 240D |
4. |
How do I change the glow plugs in
my 1983 300D?
Ok, first lets make sure it's
the glow plugs and not the relay or fusible link.
What is the car doing or not
The engine turns over as fast
a usual, starts on the second or third try, starts right up
if I cycle the glow plugs two or three times. After its
warm, starts right up.
Sounds like glow plugs, lets
get started. We always replace the glow plugs as a full set,
even if you only have one or two that don't work, replace
them all because the others aren't far behind.
Remove the glow
plugs by turning them counter clockwise with
the 12mm (17mm for series) box wrench, this
is where the ratcheting box wrench speeds
things up.
Usually the
old glow plugs will pull right out with a
little effort, however if the carbon build
up is too great they can become stuck. Grab
the plug with a pliers or vise grip and
twist as you pull, use a little leverage if
you need too, but make sure you have the
plug turned all the way out so you don't
damage the threads.
If you have a
reaming tool clean the excess carbon from
the pre-chamber using the reamer and brush.
Insert the reamer in until it bottoms out
then remove it and run the brush in the
hole. This step will extend the life of your
glow plugs and help them heat the chamber
more efficiently.
Apply a small
amount of anti-seize compound to the threads
of the glow plugs before you install them.
Start the threads by hand to avoid cross
threading and turn them in as far as you
can, should be two or three turns. Finish
the tightening sequence a wrench, cinching
them down about as tight as you would a
spark plug, do not over torque.
Now install
the wires, the injector lines and anything
else you removed in the process. Note: don't
lean on the hard vacuum line that goes back
to the brake booster while your working in
the engine compartment. Most of the lines
are 30 years old, brittle and easily
damaged. |